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Client library


You can install the VibeCheck client library by executing the next command:

npm install vibecheck-client

Comment structure

A comment can be a string or an object with the "content" property. This "content" property must be a string.

const comment = "This is a comment";

const commentTwo = {
content: "This is also a comment",
commentId: 1


You have three functions available. All three functions will return the comments as you passed them in the first place, keeping all the data from the original comment and adding a new "rating" parameter, except, if the comment was a string, in that case it will return an object with the original string in the "content" property.

1. Rate

This function is asynchronous.


a. comment: A comment with the structure explained before. b. scale: The scale on which the rating percentage will be. By default it is 10, which means that 0.1 will be 1%.

  rate({ content: "This is a good comment", id: 1 }) 

// returns
comment: {
conent: "This is a good comment",
id: 1
rating: 0.6

rate("This is a bad comment")

// returns
comment: "This is a bad comment",
rating: -0.6

rate("This is a bad comment", 100)

// returns
comment: "This is a bad comment",
rating: -6

2. Bulk Rate

This function is asynchronous.


a. comment: A array of comments. b. scale: The scale on which the rating percentage will be. By default it is 10.

  bulkRate(["This is a good comment", "This is a bad comment"])

comment: "This is a good comment",
rating: 0.6
comment: "This is a bad comment",
rating: -0.6

3. Rating Scale

Scales the comment rating to the specified value. The default scale value is 10.

  ratingScale([...comments], 100)
ratingScale([...comments], 10)